Ferry Prins
Group Leader
Ferry obtained an MSc in Chemistry from Leiden University (2007) and a PhD in Physics from Delft University of Technology (2011). After completion of his PhD, he joined the the group of Prof. Will Tisdale at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). There, he started exploring the optical properties of nanomaterial assemblies with an emphasis on excitonic energy-transfer interactions. With support from the Swiss National Science Foundation, he started his own group in 2015 at the Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory at ETH Zurich. Since Spring 2017 he is a member of the Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC) at the Autonoma University of Madrid where he directs the Photonic Nanomaterials and Devices Lab.
Ferry is recipient of an NWO Rubicon Award in 2011, an SNF Ambizione Grant in 2015, the Comunidad de Madrid Talent Grant in 2017, a Ramon y Cajal in 2018, as well as a Consolidacion Investigadora and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2023.
Ferry has been teaching Experimental Techniques in the second year of the Physics Bachelor since several years and has been coordinating the university-wide course on Climate Change since 2023.
Contact: ferry.prins[at]uam.es
Michel Frising
Michel works on the development of machine learning techniques for inverse photonic design, in close collaboration with the group of Antonio Fernandez-Dominguez.
Michel recently completed his PhD titled "Machine Learning for Probabilistic Design in Nanophotonics " at the UAM, co-advised by Ferry Prins and Jorge Bravo Abad. Michel holds an MSc in Micro and Nanosystems from ETH Zurich with a focus on photonics and nano-optics. For his MSc thesis he worked with Prof. Mikhail Kats at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on a device to enhance human color vision by breaking binocular redundancy.
He originally joined the group in the fall of 2018 after having obtained the prestigious LaCaixa INPhINIT Fellowship.
contact: michel.frising[at]uam.es
Jorge Cuadra Veliz
Jorge obtained his PhD in 2014 from UAM, working on the coherence properties of polaritons condensate in III-V semiconductors microcavities.
After finishing his PhD, he took on a postdoctoral position at NTU (Singapore) working on optical properties of TMDC under high magnetic fields, followed by a 2 years research position at Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) where he investigated the hybridization of excitons in TMDC with single nanoparticles.
In 2018 Jorge moved to worked with Eduardo Lee at UAM to work on electronic transport in semiconductor nanodevices and nanofabrication.
Since May 2023, he has been working at PhoND to work on strong coupling between excitons in perovskites and collective photonic resonators. This work is done in close collaboration with the group of Carlos Antón.
contact: jorge.cuadra[at]uam.es
Simon Solari
Simon obtained his PhD in 2023 from ETH Zürich under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Chih-Jen Shih, working on solid-phase ion engineering techniques for the stabilization of colloidal lead halide perovskite nanocrystals.
Simon holds a MSc degree in Chemistry from ETH Zürich. For his Master's Thesis he worked on the synthesis and characterization of magic-sized CdSe quantum dots under the supervision of Prof. Dr. David J. Norris at ETH Zürich.
He joined the Prins Lab in July 2024, working on the investigation and visualization of energy and charge transport in complex nanostructured semiconductor systems.
contact: simon.solari[at]uam.es
Amalia Coro Gonzalez
PhD Student
Amalia finished her MSc of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at UAM. During her Master thesis, she obtained a JAE Intro ICU internship to develop semiconductor nanoparticles as thermal sensors in biological media.
At the present time she is working at PhoND on the synthesis and characterization of semiconductor perovskites. Amalia is co-advised by Dr. Beatriz H. Juarez of ICMM-CSIC.
contact: amalia.coro[at]uam.es
Enrique Arevalo Rodriguez
PhD Student
Enrique finished his MSc in Physics of the Condensed Matter and Biological Systems in 2022 at UAM. During this time he collaborated with Eduardo Lee at the Quantum Transport lab of UAM on the fabrication and characterization of monolayer-bilayer graphene based devices.
Enrique is currently a part of the PhoND group where he studies the photonic properties of perovskites.
contact: enrique.arevalo[at]uam.es
Antonella Cutrupi
PhD Student
Antonella obtained her MSc in Physics with summa cum laude from the Sapienza University of Rome in 2023. During her degree work, she studied the optoelectronic and structural properties of transition metal dichalcogenides and perovskite semiconductors.
Antonella joined the PhOND group early 2024, focussing her thesis on pressure induced control over energy landscapes in perovskite nanomaterials.
contact: antonella.cutrupi[at]estudiante.uam.es
Upasana Das
PhD Student
Upasana completed her Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Delhi, India. During her studies she also received fellowship from the Indian Academy of Sciences to carry out internship programs in the fields of Astronomy and Non-linear Optics.
She also worked as a Researcher at the IMDEA Nanociencia Institute, Madrid in the field of Bio-photonics where she was working in multidisciplinary aspect of combining molecular biology and spectroscopy at nanoscale.
Currently she is working as a doctoral student at PhoND in the ERC-CoG EnVision project focused on understanding the carrier transport in nanostructured semiconductors.
contact: upasana.das[at]uam.es
Pablo Vaquer de Nieves
PhD Student
Pablo studied his BSc Physics at UAM with an Erasmus + year at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. He continued his studies within the QUARMEN Double MSc Program in Physics between Università La Sapienza di Roma and Université Paris-Saclay.
In the past, Pablo worked in the groups of Prof. Hermann Suderow (bachelor thesis at UAM), Prof. Jean-François Roch (internship at École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay) and Prof. Thierry Gacoin (master thesis at École Polytechnique).
Now, in his PhD, he works studying polaritonic light-matter coupling in cavities and topological polaritonic transport on perovskite metasurfaces. Pablo is co-advised by Carlos Antón from the Physics of Materials Department at UAM.
Contact: pablo.vaquer[at]uam.es
Juan Rodríguez Lorente
Research Assistant
Juan is finishing his bachelor degree in Physics at UAM. He has joined the group to carry out his bachelor's thesis where he studies the optical properties of nanostructured semiconductors using spectroscopic microellipsometry.
contact: juan.rodriguezl[at]estudiante.uam.es
Zara Gouw
Research Assistant
Zara, a bachelor's student at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, will do her first internship in physics at UAM. During her research, she will map the most important properties of perovskites using iSCAT.
The focus is on studying degradation and phase segregation to gain more insight into the stability of these promising materials.
Contact: z.m.c.gouw[at]student.hhs.nl
Pablo Rivas Muro - TFG @ UAM (continued at UAM)
Laura Rojo Guerrero - TFG @ UAM (continued at TUM)
Ezra Piare - ´24, Erasmus @ UAM (continued at UAM)
Sven Davids - ´24, Erasmus @ UAM (continued at The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Fabian Lohmann - ´24, Erasmus @ UAM (continued at The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Alvaro Magdaleno de Benito - ´23, PhD @ UAM (now Sales Engineer at MTB)
Jesse Suurmond - ´22, Erasmus @ UAM (now Application Engineer at Munters)
Lea Visscher - ´22, Erasmus @ UAM (continuing at TU Delft)
Mercy Cutler - ´22, Erasmus @ UAM (continued at Imperial College London)
Sorsha van der Ark - ´22, Erasmus @ UAM (continued at The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Michael Seitz - ´21, PhD @ UAM (now Junior Scientist at SPIDEN)
Ana Herranz de la Cruz - '20, TFG @ UAM (continued at UAM)
Maria Lopez Santonja -'20, TFG @ UAM (continued at UAM)
Daan Verburg - '20, Erasmus @ UAM (now studying at Delft University of Technology)
Sanne Walraven - '19, Erasmus @ UAM (continued at The Hague University of Applied Sciences)
Eva De Leo - '18, PhD @ ETH (now Scientist at IBM Zurich)
Tim Lubbers - '18, Erasmus @ UAM, (now Technical Support Engineer at ASML)
Claudia Valkenier - '18, Erasmus @ UAM (now studying at University of Amsterdam)
Alexander Hernandez Oendra - '18, MSc @ ETH (now PhD student at ETH)
Stefan Koepfli - '18, MSc @ ETH (now Postdoc at ETH)
Preksha Tiwari - '17, MSc @ ETH (now Scientist at Polariton Technologies)
Leo Spiegel - '16, MSc @ ETH (now Data Scientist at UBS)
Ario Cocina - '16 MSc @ ETH (now PhD student at ETH)